Monday 25 January 2016

Warhammer is dead, long live Oldhammer

After 21 years of living in boxes wrapped in toilet paper, left in garages, lofts and under stairs in numerous houses my faithful hordes are finally free to kill, murder and plunder the world of Warhammer. But alas the world has changed since last I battled, old warlords I warred with have no time or armies any more, their will to wage war has dimmed in their eyes and raising a family and toiling in sad jobs are their lot.
What then for my hordes do I give up and sell them on eBay or some such? Perhaps my local games workshop, no interest there as the young gamers were playing a game I could not recognise as fantasy battle with plastic minutes with silly over sized weapons.
Disheartened I found a few blogs online with the promise of old fashioned Warhammer using classic 80s and 90s figures. Played by adults using 3rd edition rules. My spirits lifted I contacted Weazil the wise who is doing a great job in making Oldhammer remain alive and kicking.

I have a busy year ahead I will need to build terrain to game on and much lead should really be painted as well. I have spent many hours going through oldhammer blogs of
I can only thank you guys for such great blogs full of inspiration and talent.

When it comes to building the terrain the 1000footgeneral is a master and I will try my best to following his style. I will keep a record here of the progress once I begin.


Weazil the Wise said...

Hey there Weasel! Welcome to the blogosphere - its good to have you along!

Your profile picture suggests you already have some pictures of figures to show? Cos we'd be busting to see those pictures of all these hordes you've recently unpacked!

Weasel said...

Thank you Weazil the wise. I have started the process of posting pictures of the first figures, 101 goblins so far organisated into units. I should really make a gaming table first then I can take some nicer pictures on it.